By Christophe Cerisara, Claire Gardent and Yannick Parmentier
Researchers at CNRS-LORIA and organisers of the summer school
The Python4NLP summer school targets both computer science and humanities (in particular linguistics) students and aims to give them the ability to collect, process and analyse textual data. The school will be Python based and will focus on providing students with a working knowledge of the Python libraries available for collecting, processing, visualizing and analysing textual data. Classes and tutored hands-on sessions will be complement with invited talks and social events. The whole event will be English speaking. There is no prerequesite except a basic knowledge of the Python language.
Associate Professor in Linguistics
Professor in Computer Science
Get hands-on common NLP tasks with Python in a friendly and yet studious atmosphere.
Come and meet people with various backgrounds and a strong interest in Natural Language Processing.
Exchange information and ideas with people having common interest in an informal social setting.
Researchers at CNRS-LORIA and organisers of the summer school
Associate Professor at Université de Lorraine
at the canteen.
Professor at Université de Lorraine, affiliated with ATILF-CNRS
Researcher at CNRS-LORIA
at the canteen.
Associate Professor at Université de Paris.
Researcher at CNRS-LORIA.
at the canteen.
Researcher at CNRS-LORIA
at the canteen.
Researcher at CNRS-LORIA
at the canteen.
Campus Scientifique - BP 239
54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France